What we do

LEPL International Education Center
Use your knowledge. Benefit your country!



LEPL International Education Center was established in 2014, and in the period 2014-2022 has awarded more than 1,250 educational scholarships to Georgian citizens desiring to study abroad. Some of them have already completed their studies and returned to Georgia, and continuing to apply the knowledge they have learned in their home country.

The aim of the center considering the priorities of state development, is to prepare personnel having skills and knowledge corresponding to international standards. Based on this, the center offers Georgian citizens the opportunity to receive the best education abroad and after the conclusion of state financed studies, graduates of masters, doctoral, and foreign qualification enhancement programs return to Georgia and continue working in the corresponding sphere for the three years period.

Scholarships are awarded through a competition observing the principles of fairness, competitiveness, and transparency.

Procedure for Participation in Competition - In order to participate in the LEPL International Education Center’s programs, applicants fill out an e-application. The selection committee makes the decisions regarding the financing of applicants. The evaluation of each applicant is carried out independently by committee members according to previously established criteria. Each application is evaluated individually by committee members through an electronic system.

LEPL International Education Center Conducts the Following Programs:

International Masters Scholarship Programs - the aim of the program is to facilitate access of the citizens of Georgia, holders of neutral ID cards or neutral travel documents to masters’ programs offered by higher education institution abroad.

International Doctoral Scholarship Programs - the aim of the program is to educate professionals to respond to the needs of labor market and country’s socio-economic development and to facilitate their integration in relevant areas/institutions. The program also strives to integrate the IEC alumni in higher education sphere to foster development of the latter.

Qualification Enhancement Program Abroad - Georgian citizens in possession of a neutral ID and/or travel document who are employed at a state (budgetary) institution can acquire financial assistance through the grant program competition and enhance their qualifications abroad in a program corresponding to the tasks of the position held.

International Academic Programs of the Arts - The financing of study in Master’s and doctoral programs having an appropriate, prioritized, educational program course for Georgian citizens through a competition.

The Arts Program was announced by the International Education Center through the collaboration of the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia.

Master's programs in France “France Excellence 2023-2024” - The financing of study by the Center in appropriate Master’s programs having a prioritized, educational program course at institutes of higher education in France through a competition is implied. Master Program in France represent a joint grant program by the International Education Center and the Government of France.

The Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Program - The implementing partners for this program are the Hungarian side - Tempus Public Foundation and the Georgian side – LEPL International Education Center. The program is to enable Georgian students to continue their studies in Hungarian higher education institutions for Bachelor's and Master's degrees, as well as 5-year Master's and Ph.D. programs.

Scholarship for Hungarian Students and Researchers - This program foresees the financing of 10 Hungarian citizens by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia having the aim of participating in studies in Masters or doctoral, including those in English, programs/courses with a full or partial course load, as well as in summer schools and research projects..

Fulbright Graduate Student Program - The Fulbright Grant is one of the most prestigious grants from the US government. The selection of candidates for the Fulbright Masters Grant Program is conducted by the US Embassy in Georgia, the International Education Center, and the Bank of Georgia.

Academic programs in Italy - The basis of the scholarship program is a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the LEPL International Education Center and Council of Rectors of the Italian University.

The memorandum envisages providing scholarships for students with Georgian citizenship to pursue master's and doctoral degrees at leading Italian universities. Each student's scholarship is jointly funded by the LEPL International Education Center from the Georgian side and by each participating Italian university from the Italian side. 


Small Scale Alumni Grants Program - Its aim is to promote the utilization of the intellectual resources of graduates of the Center's scholarship programs for the governmental, public, educational, scientific, cultural, economic and social development of the country.

LEPL International Education Center brings together the international grant programs and small grant programs for graduates in the “University Support Program”.




Chavchavadze Avenue 7, II Floor Tbilisi, Georgia

0322 97 01 97




«October 2024»