Czech Scholarship Program 2023 -2024 


Czech Scholarship Program 2023 -2024


Based on the 2017 agreement between the Ministries of Education and Science of Georgia and the Ministries of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic on cooperation in education and science, the Czech scholarship program offers international exchange scholarships.

Citizens of Georgia or holders of a neutral identification card and/or a neutral travel document have the same right to participate in the scholarship program as long as they meet the same conditions, regardless of race, skin color, gender, language, religion, political opinions, national or social origin, property status, place of birth or another sign.

Scholarship opportunities are offered for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students (learning and research) and researchers.

In particular:

1. Short-term scholarships for bachelor's, master's and doctoral students in all fields (study duration - from 2 to 9 months per person). The total duration should not exceed 27 months.

2. Research scholarships for university lecturers and researchers (research visit duration – up to 1 month per person). The total duration of research visits should not exceed 2 months.

3. Slavic language summer school scholarships (2 places available).


An applicant must fill out the application form presented by the Czech Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports, along with the required documents, and send it to the center's contact email. The Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic selects the winning contestant.

  • Deadline for submission of applications for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees: until March 31, 2023, online address:;
  • Summer school application deadline: no later than March 15, 2023 at the Embassy of the Czech Republic: ,


For detailed information about the documents to be submitted, programme deadlines, and the process, please refer to the attached document.





«February 2025»