Academic programs in Italy 2023-2024

Program description


Academic Programs in Italy – is a scholarship program based on the Memorandum signed between the LEPL International Education Center (IEC) and Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI). The Memorandum provides for the granting of scholarships to students with Georgian citizenship to study at master’s and doctoral degrees of leading Italian universities. Each student’s scholarship will be co-financed by the Center from Georgia and each participating Italian university from Italy. The partnership with Italian universities is being strengthened through memoranda signed between the Center and selected Italian universities, within the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Center and the Council of Rectors of Italian Universities.


In the framework of the program, Citizens of Georgia, Holder of Neutral ID card or neutral travel document will be able to obtain a scholarship to pursue a Master’s/PhD degree in Italy, in both Italian and English language programs.


Scholarships are awarded based on just, competitive and transparent competition.  The decision is taken by international selection committee formed by the IEC.


Every citizen of Georgia, holder of neutral ID cards or neutral travel document is entitled to equal access to the scholarship program – “Academic Programs in Italy” 2023-2024, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.


In the framework of the program, a scholarship can only be obtained by enrolling in a partner university designated by this program to study at the relevant academic level. The Center will provide information on the winners of the competition to the partner universities. The universities in turn confirm the enrollment of students.

The program does not provide funding for partial, online, distance-learning, integrated/or so-called “executive” Masters/PhD program courses.

The scholarship holder is prohibited from getting in parallel another scholarship of the Center. The scholarship holder, in the framework of the same program or another scholarship program of the center is not entitled to apply for a scholarship abroad at the same academic level, as outlined in the Program.



Goals and Objectives


The goal of the scholarship program “Academic Programs in Italy for 2023–2024” is to enable Georgian citizens or holders of neutral ID cards or neutral travel document to obtain an internationally recognized Master/PhD degree during their studies in Italy.

The mission of the program – to develop qualified human resources for economic and social development of the country in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.



Target group of the program


Scholarship Program eligibility:

  • Citizen of GE and/or owner of Georgia travel document (applicants from De Facto Georgia territories);
  • Must be graduated from accredited HEI and own a diploma of previous degree/s earned (Bachelor);
  • And/or study in Italy and be willing to further their studies in 2nd year;
  • Under age of 35 years for Master Program, for PhD without age restrictions.




Result of the program


As a result of the program, Georgian citizens will be able to obtain an internationally recognized Master/Doctor’s degree in the field/specialty identified as a priority in this scholarship program in Italy. and further implement the acquired knowledge in Georgia.



Scholarship Program administration and timeline


The program is implemented through an open competition. The Competition process:

Approval of the scholarship program by the LEPL International Education Center and announcement of the competition;

The applicants have to register and upload all required documents in the electronic portal of the LEPL International Education Center on the following link before the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

The electronic registration system allows a participant to fill in and / or change an application step by step before the competition deadline. The application must be resubmitted after editing before the deadline; The applicant shall monitor the timely and complete submission of the application and the related documents. All documents must be uploaded, including the specificity of the program, unless otherwise specified - if any.

When filling in an application, if a technical problem is detected, the applicant may apply to the Technical Support Service -


Consultations will be held jointly or separately by the representatives of the LEPL - International Education Center and the Italian Embassy to Georgia to ensure access to information;

Identification of winners by the International Competition Commission after a fixed deadline;

Signing of a grant agreement with the winners and providing financial support;

Applicants are informed of the results of all stages of the competition through their respective page of their application.

The Center uses the e-mail address specified in the application to contact the applicants.


The deadline for submitting the complete application packagein in the electronic portal: 15 April 2023 – 18:00 (Georgian time).

The final results of the competition will be available no later than 30 June 2023.



Prioritized Program Courses/Partner Universities and offered programs


The scholarship holder of the program "Academic Programs in Italy 2023-2024" must be enrolled in any Italian higher education institution specified in this program:

a. Within the framework of the scholarship program «Academic programs in Italy 2023-2024» the following courses of study/disciplines/professions were identified as priorities for the master’s program:

- Education;

- Agriculture, forestry, fishing, veterinary;

- Engineering, manufacturing and construction;

- Information and communication technologies.

- Science, mathematics and statistics;

- Arts and humanities;

- Social sciences, journalism and information;

- Law;

- Management;

- Public administration;


PhD - with unlimited priority programs.

Partner Universities and contacts:

1. Polytechnic University of Milan (MA, PHD)


2. University of Pisa (MA, PHD)


3. The LUISS University (MA)


4. University of Calabria (MA)


5. University of Eastern Piedmont (MA, PHD)


6. Università degli Studi dell’Aquila (MA, PHD)


7. Università degli Studi della Tuscia (MA, PHD)


The applicant can apply to IEC listed Universities/selected programs in Italy - maximum 3.

The applicant has to contact the relevant university for information about the academic program, the application process and requirements (including requirements for a foreign language).



Conditions of the program and documents to be submitted


Scholarship Program eligibility for MA level:

  • Citizen of GE and/or owner of Georgia travel document (applicants from De Facto Georgia territories);
  • Under age of 35 years for Master Program;
  • Must be graduated from accredited HEI and own a diploma of previous degree/s earned (Bachelor- or Master);
  • And/or study in Italy and be willing to further their studies in 2nd year;
  • Must demonstrate strong academic standing (equiv. to GPA 3.0<)
  • Has at least one year of work experience.

Language test (Institutional or Official). In case the applicant graduates from previous degree/or has worked in the international environment in a language of Master- or Doctoral degree instructions, language test will not be necessary. However, the applicant has to present the confirmation/proof.

Fill out Electronic Application Form and upload:

  1. Copy of ID/passport/neutral ID card and neutral travel document
  2. CV or Resume - in two languages (Georgian - Italian or Georgian - English)
  3. Proof of work experience, explicitly showing the start and end dates of the job
  4. Motivation letter - in two languages (Georgian - Italian or Georgian - English)
  5. Previously Earned HEI Diploma/s and GPA Certificate/s
  6. If GPA is not indicated in the transcript, then the University certificate with GPA. The applicants with "Honors degree" or diplomas corresponding to this status are not required to upload this document;
  7. Upon requesting funding for the second year of the respective master's program at the partner university in Italy, a certificate of student status and transcript with GPA.
  8. Recommendation in English;
  9. Document that the selected master’s program belongs to the priority area
  10. Art program students will be required to upload personal portfolios, videos, etc.
  11. Optional: conference and training participation certificates, awards, etc, as relevant.
  12. Marks and notes if one or more of the following status: IDP, economically disadvantaged, specialized needs accommodation required – with a relevant document proof.

The applicant may submit a document in English. A document in Georgian will be considered only with English / Italian notarized translation. Documents in Italian will be considered only with a notarized translation into the Georgian language.

The Center and the Competition Commission have the right to verify the accuracy of the information provided by an applicant at any time. In case of providing incorrect information and / or plagiarism, the applicant will be removed from the competition.



Scholarship Program eligibility for PhD level


  • Citizen of GE and/or owner of Georgia travel document (applicants from De Facto Georgia territories);
  • Must be graduated from accredited HEI and own a diploma of previous degree/s earned (Master);
  • And/or study in Italy and be willing to further their studies in 2nd or further years;
  • Must demonstrate strong academic standing (equiv. to GPA 3.0<)
  • Has at least two years of work experience
  • Language test (Institutional or Official). In case the applicant graduates from previous degree/or has worked in the international environment in a language of Master- or Doctoral degree instructions, language test will not be necessary. However, the applicant has to present the confirmation/proof.


Fill out Electronic Application Form and upload:

  1. Copy of ID/passport/neutral ID card and neutral travel document
  2.  CV or Resume - in two languages (Georgian - Italian or Georgian - English)
  3. Proof of work experience, explicitly showing the start and end dates of the job
  4. Motivation letter - in two languages (Georgian - Italian or Georgian - English)
  5. Research plan. Also, a document confirming the process of approval of the study plan or agreement with the relevant Italian university/professor (Georgian-Italian or Georgian-English);
  6. Previously Earned HEI Diploma/s and GPA Certificate/s
  7. If GPA is not indicated in the transcript, then the University certificate with GPA. The applicants with "Honors degree" or diplomas corresponding to this status are not required to upload this document;
  8. Upon requesting funding for the second or subsequent year of the respective master's program at the partner university in Italy, a certificate of student status and transcript with GPA.
  9. Recommendation in English;
  10. Art program students will be required to upload personal portfolios, videos, etc.
  11. Optional: conference and training participation certificates, awards, etc, as relevant.
  12. Marks and notes if one or more of the following status: IDP, economically disadvantaged, specialized needs accommodation required – with a relevant document proof.

The applicant may submit a document in English. A document in Georgian will be considered only with English / Italian notarized translation. Documents in Italian will be considered only with a notarized translation into the Georgian language.

The Center and the Competition Commission have the right to verify the accuracy of the information provided by an applicant at any time. In case of providing incorrect information and / or plagiarism, the applicant will be removed from the competition.



Selection board and selection criteria  


The international selection board of the LEPL International Education Center will review and rate the applications. The composition and duties of the selection board has to be approved by the decree of the Center’s Executive Director.

The LEPL International Education Center will consider applications within the framework of a three-stage competition. First – Administrative-formal check of applications by the International Education Center. Second – Qualitative Check. Third – interview.

The second and third stages of the competition are evaluated independently, and the results are not summarized. Accordingly, the assessment of the second stage does not affect the assessment of the stage of the interview. The second stage of the competition will determine pass on by the applicant to the third stage, and the assessment of the third stage will determine the winner.

The bonus score established by the scholarship program (maximum of 4 score - socially vulnerable person, person with disabilities, IDP and status of a victim from the villages adjacent to the delimitation line of the occupied territories of Georgia - 1 score for each status) shall be attributed to the applicants by the coordinator of the program of the centre at the stage of administrative (formal) examinations of the electronic application and relevant documentation. Bonus score/scores will be added only to the result of the second stage of the competition.



Prerequisite for continued funding


If funding is provided for an academic program lasting more than one year during the official program duration, the basis for consideration by the Commission for the next academic year is high academic performance (equiv. to GPA 3.0<). Additional conditions may be established by the order of the Executive Director of the Center.



Scholarship /Types and amount of funding. Programme budget. Payment rule.


A joint scholarship program is based on the Memorandum of Understanding signed between LEPL - International Education Center and the Conference of Italian University Rectors, which aims at jointly financing citizens of Georgia in higher education institutions in Italy for further studies in academic programs for Masters and PhD.


The Scholarship includes full or partial reimbursement of tuition fees and/or living expenses in the respective country. In accordance with the decision of the Commission, the Center distributes the amount of the grant to the scholarship holder, according to their purpose: the tuition fee is transferred to a foreign higher education institution, unless there are different regulations established by the Institution. Money allocated for living expenses is transferred to the personal bank account of the scholarship holder. The amount of the grant for tuition is determined by the financial support provided by the universities listed in this program and by the decision of the Commission (full or partial). The amount of the grant to cover living expenses during the study in Italy is determined by the Commission's decision.


The center will fulfill its financial obligations from the budget allocated to the Center in accordance with the Law of Georgia "On the State Budget for 2023".



Additional information
  • To ensure access to information, representatives of the LEPL - International Education Center will hold information meetings.

    Contact information of the LEPL International Education Center:


    Address: Chavchavadze Avenue N7, II floor, Tbilisi Georgia








«February 2025»